About us

In the year 1961 Late Mr J.F.De Souja, a geologist by profession started the publication in the name of ‘Mineral Markets’. It had many eminent geoscientists and mining engineers from Bombay and coal mining areas near Calcutta; and some of the mining engineers working with multi-national Mining Machinery companies. Later in 1962 it was made a Monthly publication and was registered at Bombay as ‘The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal’. During the same period the ‘Mining Engineers’ Association of India’ (MEAI) 1993, was established at the Iron Ore Mining areas of Joda-Barajamda sector. For over three decades this Journal was the only means of communication with MEAI members and its functionaries. Published every month, it reaches CEOs, CMDs, senior officials, Directors of CSIR Laboratories, Heads of educational Institutions (VCs, Deans, Directors and Head of the Departments), Govt. officials, DGMS officials, Indian Bureau of Mines officials, Manufacturers, operating Mine/Colliery Managers, and all others who are part of mining and earth sciences sectors.


As a part of its aim to dessiminate latest knowledge and developments, it holds National level Seminars and Workshops every year in important cities and mining belts of India. Some of its National level seminars have made very significant impact in the policy planning matters of Govt. of India include, ENVIROMIN 1994, SDMINER 2014, SDMiNER 2018.


The editorial team is drawn from prominent institutions and organizations of India and supported by few experts from overseas countries.


To recognise the contributions made by mining and allied engineers/scientists, at every Annual National Seminars -  Life Time Achievement Awards, Golden Jubilee Life Time Achievement Awards, The IME Journal Golden Jubilee Awards, Dr P.N.Bose Award(For Geosciences), Prof(Dr) H.R.Anireddy Award (for Mining Engineering), are presented. The selection committee comprises of experts from mining, geology, academics and research institutions follow a well drawn process to make recommendations for these awards.


As a part of its intense professional activities, The IME Journal Readers’ Forum has been formed comprising of its subscribers.

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